Loop Hero Manager tool now available for use!

Recently I have been hard at work building this tool to allow players of the game to have an interactive board to pre-plan any setups they would like to test out and have statistical calculations displayed accordingly, and the ability to build the current world loop to test the best setups for it.

Link: Loop Hero Manager

I mentioned it on the tools page as well, but my main focus was getting a stable prototype build out to the community to give it a whirl and see if this is a worthwhile tool to have (mainly aimed towards newer users or those who are not confident like myself in just building and guessing what the stats would be). This does mean that due to other important commitments in my life, this project will be updated at a slow pace for the time being.

The tool could also be used in general to test the best synergy setups as well, though until I implement more synergies (currently the only tile-changing synergy is the oasis, other synergies are the river-forest/thicket and river-rock/mountain), I consider this more of a barebones proof-of-concept.

Feedback on this tool would be greatly appreciated, whether it be a feature to be implemented/removed, general critiques on the tools utility, bugs or whatever you would like. I tend to check the post on reddit [Link here] so if you would like, you may leave any feedback there, or at the bottom of the tools page is a comment area as well. 

This tool is currently sitting on this blog site due to my lack of experience and ability for hosting it anywhere else, so until I can find a more convenient way to host it (and have better scaling of the tool as it is forced to the scale of 1280x720), or if it would be better off as a standalone tool, it will be stuck here.

Lastly, I have just recently posted a new update to the tool fixing various bugs since the first iteration launch, so if you haven't already, make sure to check the Update Notes for the project to keep up-to date with any new additions or changes. The most recent update added importing and exporting of maps to be able to share with others, or have a backup of a really powerful build created!
